Dr. Matthew Lee
Dr. Matthew Lee is a manager on the Shared Services team within the Human-Centered AI (HCAI) division at Toyota Research Institute (TRI). With a background in human-computer interaction, Dr. Lee studies and invents new ways for people to better understand and effectively utilize AI assistance.
Dr. Lee's research interests lie at the intersection of ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, and real-world applications to help people make better decisions. His multi-disciplinary approach is grounded in extensive user experience research, building system prototypes, and mixed-methods analysis for generating actionable insights and machine learning. With over 10 years of industry experience, he has previously built an HCI group for aging-in-place technologies at Philips Research and led the ambient computing group at FX Palo Alto Laboratory.
Dr. Lee holds a Ph.D. in human-computer interaction from Carnegie Mellon and a B.A. in cognitive science and computer science from UC Berkeley.